Health Directive Questionnaire


The COVID-19 Pandemic that we have found ourselves in makes us look at death more closely than ever. If something were to happen to you or your loved ones, are you prepared to handle their medical wishes? In North Carolina, you must have a power of attorney and living will set up for others to make decisions about your medical treatment. This is true even for your young adult children, even if they are on your insurance policy. Plan for the expected and unexpected by asking yourself – and all your loved ones, these important health directive questions below:

  • Do you have an advanced healthcare directive?
  • Have you named a medical power of attorney?
  • Do you have a HIPAA authorization set up?
  • Do you have a designated emergency contact? Have they been notified?
  • Are you a DNR? Have your loved ones been notified?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, let us help you plan and express your wishes for care. We can meet with you virtually during this COVID-19 Pandemic.